54 Years
We offer: to you
- KINDERGARDEN: Pre-kinder (Three (3) years old), Kinder (four (4) years old), Transition (five (5) years old).
- PRIMARY: First (1) grade to Fifth (5) grade. Between six to ten (6 to 10) years old.
- SECONDARY: Sixth (6) grade to Ninth (9) grade. Between eleven and fifteen years old.
- HIGH SCHOOL (EMPHASIS COMMERCIAL): Tenth grade and, Eleventh grade.
Our services
- Project of Progressive bilingualism.
- Virtual academic platforms: LMS (Learning Management System) Santillana Compartir and GNA online.
- Specialized classrooms with video beams, routers and computers.
- Model based on evidences with Academic Consultancies Milton Ochoa.
- Technology rooms.
- Development of Information and Communication Technologies.
- ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) development.
- Project of Progressive bilingualism.
- English APTIS Certification for Eleventh (11) graders with British Council.
- Reader plan.
- Interest groups.
- Representative groups.
- Specialized teachers by areas.
- Musical and dancing groups.
- Playful pedagogy.
- Psychological orientation.
- Emphasis in commercial management and entrepreneurship.
- Maker projects.
Complementary services
- Restaurant service and certified school cafeteria.
- School transportation certified company.
- Training courses for knowledge competences of Tenth and Eleventh grade, with Academic Consultancies Milton Ochoa.
- Extracurricular courses: Dance, swimming, taekwondo and soccer.